-Jon Jon
-aHmAd IBraHIm graduate...
- Cadet Inspector...
-Hates backstabber...am a aimple guy actually
-LuVes gEo n bIo mAn....hOpE tAt pPl dUnt cAuSe fUrThEr dAmAgE tO eArTh
-Remember to tag before u leave....
Why do people hanker over achievements? Is it because that they want to be famous, richer or watsoever reason? However,do you find it strange that people dont usually remember your achievements but only your mistakes which you committed? This had got do withour mind. If you tell a boy not to play with fire, chances are that he will play with it and got himself scalded/ burned. Why? Because our brain dont register positive, right things, but the other side. So, if you tell/ encourage the boy to play with fire, most likely he wont. Why is it so funny huh? Why do people only learn thru the hard way? I think that today is the best day to think about this question, while we are celebrating achievements day in our school.